Dissemination Activities ACPELIA CYPRUS
Dissemination from ACPELIA, CYPRUS
I would like to thank the AcpeliaCy organization for choosing me as one of the participants in this program.
Participants from Cyprus with NGO ACPELIA organised a dissemination event in Pedoulas Cyprus at Sunday 15 of May with 20 approximately youthworkers of NGO ACPELIA
I would like to thank the AcpeliaCy organization for choosing me as one of the participants in this program.Our discussion started with a narration of our own adventure in the program "Innovation through thinking out of the box". then we showed them a short video that we created with photos of our activities, memories, internationals nights, games. After, we selected an activity from the program that we attended in Athens, and we presented it to the participants of this meeting. The participants work in pairs dividing, we game to them a piece of paper with 12 circles. Participants drawn in one of these circles something that made sense to them, and then they continued with the other circles. For each group was given 10 minutes to finish their drawings. In conclusion every group presented to all participants their drawings. At the end of the activity, some groups used the circles as standard forms of objects that came to mind such as a soccer ball, a face, wheels, eyes etc. Others combined the circles as a complex, such as ice cream with different flavours (each circle -each ball), combination of circles for bicycle wheels etc. Finally, we found out that some groups needed more time, others thought outside of the box, and others took the advantage of the paper with a different dimension. It was an interesting activity, and the impact was that the participants expressed their feelings, and they had great time.
I would like to thank the AcpeliaCy organization for choosing me as one of the participants in this program.Dissemination also has been from our last participant in a project in Lithuania
During the first week of May, one of the other participants, Boghos Avetikian had the opportunity to be part of a training course in Lithuania titled "Peace at War". The training course covered inequality and the unfairness on how refugees often have difficult transitions due to initial wealth often due to corruption. This training course served as an introduction to a Youth Exchange that would take place in the following weeks.
This served as the perfect opportunity, and Boghos Avetikian made a presentation about their findings during his time at Acpelias "IN&OUT". It was interesting how, during an activity where participants had to write words or phrases linked to "Human Rights", they wrote things such as "unachievable" or a "lie", no doubt due to recent conflicts in the world.
Boghos also introduced the inequality game, whereby different participants are given different roles, and then asked different questions such as "you are able to freely express your opinion without fear of violence". If statements were true, participants are asked to take a step. Due to different roles participants are given, the answers differ, and by the end, by standing farther apart, one can clearly visualise inequalities.
While this activity was not used during Boghos' presentation, it will be implemented in the Youth Exchange in Lithuania, as the link of inequality and wartime is strong.
Links of online dissemination and visibility of the project:
Facebook Post: https://www.facebook.com/Acpelia/photos/a.107060690799165/531403015031595/
Instangram: https://www.instagram.com/acpelia_cyprus/
What our participants told:
Polyxeni Georgiou: It was a pleasure for me to participate in the training course of "Innovation Through Thinking Out of the Box" that took place in Glyfada, Athens.
I broadened my horizons, i improved my skills and i made friendships with people from Georgia, Greece, Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania and North Macedonia. Also i enjoyed the international nights, games, alternative activities, non formal education. I have learnt more about other countries and cultures like their traditional foods, history about countries and customs. Furthermore, I liked this program because i got outside of my comfort zone. Last but not least i helped to bring meaning to my life . I was so happy because i represented Cyprus in Athens.
Nikolas Markou: It was a great pleasure for me to participate in the training course of "Innovation Through Thinking Out of the Box" that took place in Glyfada, Athens. At the end of this program, I had the opportunity to acquire many skills and techniques that will make me think outside the box and which I will be able to apply in real working conditions. It is a great honor for me to represent my country, Cyprus in the international nights, interacting and learning the participants from other countries the traditions and culture of my country. I would like to thank the AcpeliaCy organization for choosing me as one of the participants in this program.
Boghos Avetikian: i had a great time participating in Acpelia's "Innovation Through Thinking Out of the Box". During my time in Glyfada, i not only learned a lot about how there are numerous perspectives on different topics, often unorthodox and therefore far more interesting, but I also met a lot of participants who think far too differently for me. This was such a positive, because i was able to have meaningful conversations with people of differing opinions on many things. More over, i happen to be an Armenian minority in Cyprus, and there were participants from Armenia, therefore i had the interesting opportunity to present both "identities" i have during cultural nights.
Eliana Nikolaou: I am grateful that I participated in innovation Through Thinking out of the box seminar, where it took place in Glyfada in Athens. This experience will be unforgettable because I met people and made friends from different countries, and I learned their cultures and their traditional food. Apart from that, what will be unforgettable for me is that I had the opportunity to broaden my horizon and acquired skills through the activities that we implemented in the program , which I will use in my personal and proffesional life. I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to Acpelia Cyprus for organizing and selecting me to take part to this seminar.